Wednesday, May 4, 2011

internal dialogue

don't fold your arms - smile - no, don't frown - greet the woman looking at you - no, with an audible voice - put your handbag down - is that an appropriate place? - deep breaths - ok, what now - can someone please tell me what to do - relax your hands - what am I supposed to do now - the music is so loud - move, do something - smile - where should I stand - everyone looks so efficient - hands are sweating - how long before I can leave - I feel in the way - "hi how are you!" - "fine thanks and you" - hate it - don't feel fine - don't clench your teeth - please tell me what to do - why am I here - smile - why is everybody talking so loudly - calm down - deep breaths - don't cry - can someone please help me - I want to go home


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